CBS: Another good friend you made on All My Children is new mom Sarah Michelle Gellar. How is she adjusting to motherhood? Have you met baby Charlotte?
EL: "Yes, she just had the baby! I've met baby Charlotte and she is just beautiful! It's funny because sometimes she looks exactly like Freddie and other times just like Sarah. I think in person she looks exactly like Freddie, and then I was looking at Sarah's baby pictures and she looks exactly like Sarah did as a baby. It's funny how babies can do that!
She took to motherhood like a duck to water. It's because she's been helping us with all of our babies all these years. Since they waited a while, she's been everybody's babysitter. She has always adored kids, so she's the first person to literally offer: 'I will babysit - let me babysit for you!' So she's had so much practice that it was only natural that she take to her own so naturally."
-More, please! У меня лента виснет! - прокричала Анка второму номеру. - Да, да, я уж сам догадался. Сразу не понял просто, что и где поставить. Прошу прощения, - пробурчал второй номер. -Спасибо, блин, за понимание, - прорычала Анка, яростно вдавливая гашетку «Максима».