Ну нет, это уже не смешно. Сегодня с утра зашел к парням в ОРЧ СУВДТ (транспортная милиция). Сидят озадаченные. -Что,- говорю,- задумались? Да как-то неважно все получается с этим законом о Полиции. Нам сказали, что мы будем называться Железнодорожный Отдел Полиции. И главное не смеются. Так вы что, теперь в ЖОПе работать будете. Ага, говорят. А Игорь у нас будет начальник ЖОП. Очень долго смеялся.... malenkin.livejournal.com/132360.html
Это фигня еще. Мой украинский друг рассказал на аналогичную тему совсем веселую байку. Жил-был в городе, кажется, Омске обычный советский авиастроительный техникум. А когда в 90-е началась мода на понтовые названия ВУЗов ему дали новое пафосное название -"Сибирская Региональная Авиа-Космическая Академия" И , говорят, даже студаки успели отпечатать с новой аббревиатурой, пока за голову не схватились и не переименовали снова.
Научно-Исследовательский Институт Химических Удобрений и Ядохимикатов АСХН СССР
Гхых. Друзья рассказывали про Московское Училище Духового Искусства
НИИ Охраны Природы И Заповедного Дела - риальне существовал
Сара и Элисон пересекутся на озвучке американского мультсериала American Dad!
Entertainment Weekly в последнем сентябрьском номере (EW №1120-1121, Sept 17-24 2010, page 114) пишет:
...To grow closer to his son Steve, Stan uses the CIA's Avatar program to turn into a teenage girl, voiced by SMG. ''To complicate matters,''says executive producer Mike Barker, ''Steve meets another girl at school, played by Alyson Hannigan. They compete for Steve's affection.''
I can't sleep tonight Everybody saying everything's alright Still I can't close my eyes I'm seeing a tunnel at the end of all these lights Sunny days Where have you gone? I get the strangest feeling you belong.
Why does it always rain on me? Is it because I lied when I was seventeen? Why does it always rain on me? Even when the sun is shining I can't avoid the lightning
I can't stand myself I'm being held up by invisible men Still life on a shelf when I got my mind on something else Sunny days Where have you gone? I get the strangest feeling you belong.
Why does it always rain on me? Is it because I lied when I was seventeen? Why does it always rain on me? Even when the sun is shining I can't avoid the lightning Oh, where did the blue skies go? And why is it raining so? It's so cold
I can't sleep tonight Everybody saying everything's alright Still I can't close my eyes I'm seeing a tunnel at the end of all these lights Sunny days Where have you gone? I get the strangest feeling you belong. Why does it always rain on me? Is it because I lied when I was seventeen? Why does it always rain on me? Even when the sun is shining I can't avoid the lightning Oh, where did the blue skies go? And why is it raining so? It's so cold Why does it always rain on me? Why does it always rain...
читать дальшеWhen you were here before Couldn't look you in the eye You're just like an angel Your skin makes me cry You float like a feather In a beautiful world I wish I was special You're so fucking special
But I'm a creep I'm a weirdo What the hell am I doing here? I don't belong here
I don't care if it hurts I want to have control I want a perfect body I want a perfect soul I want you to notice when I'm not around You're so fucking special I wish I was special
But I'm a creep I'm a weirdo What the hell I'm doing here? I don't belong here
She's running out again She's running out She runs runs runs
Whatever makes you happy Whatever you want You're so fucking special I wish I was special
But I'm a creep I'm a weirdo What the hell am I doing here? I don't belong here I don't belong here
читать дальшеWell I don't feel better When I'm fucking around And I don't write better When I'm stuck in the ground So don't teach me a lesson Cause I've already learned Yeah the sun will be shining And my children will burn
Oh the heart beats in its cage
I don't want what you want I don't feel what you feel See I'm stuck in a city But I belong in a field
Yeah we got left, left, left, left, left, left, left
Now it's three in the morning and you're eating alone
Oh the heart beats in its cage
All our friends, they're laughing at us All of those you loved you mistrust Help me I'm just not quite myself Look around there's no one else left I went to the concert and I fought through the crowd Guess I got too excited when I thought you were around
Oh he gets left, left, left, left, left, left, left
I'm sorry you were thinking; I would steal your fire. The heart beats in its cage Yes the heart beats in its cage Alright
Как сообщают вражеские голоса, Сара покинула Creative Artists Agency(CAA) и поручила ведение своих дел International Creative Management (ICM). Сотрудничество Сары и CAA, где ее интересы представляли Трейси Бреннон и Рик Карцман, продолжалось почти три года и вряд ли может быть названо успешным. Новое сарино агентство для нее не чужое. ICM уже работало с Сарой, представляя сарины интересы во времена расцвета ее карьеры. Менеджером СМГ осталась Джоанна Колонна из Brillstein Entertainment.