Sarah Michelle Gellar wants you to watch her on TV and in the movies, but she's just as passionate about getting kids to read. That's why earlier this week, the actress spent time reading to children at the Los Angeles Public Library's historic Central Library, as part of the Nestlé Share the Joy of Reading Program. Keep clicking as we chat with Sarah Michelle about her daughter Charlotte's favorite books and more. Plus, find out what this "All My Children" alum thinks of the show's demise.
On her favorite kinds of books:
"I love books so much, people expect me to be a book snob, and I'm not. I'll read anything. I love biographies. I love fiction. I love classics. I'll pretty much read anything, except I'm not a big romance novel person. I can do Jodi Picoult, I can go there. My next book on my list I want to finish is Audrey Niffenegger, Her Fearful Symmetry."
On her all-time favorite book:
"I do love Time Traveler's Wife, which I guess kind of is a romance novel, in a sense. I love Shadow on the Wind. I love Dr. Seuss's Oh, the Places You'll Go! And I gotta say, I love me some Valley of the Dolls."
On reading with her daughter, Charlotte:
"We spend a lot of time reading. We read in the morning when she wakes up. She'll usually bring me a book, and we have a thing where she's only allowed one book at a time. So she knows if she wants to change books, she has to take the book, put it away, and bring out the other one. So we usually read one or two in the morning, when she's getting up, and throughout the day she likes to pretend and read to herself, and then I read to her before her nap, and we always read at night."
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