Кстати, о птичках. Все три книжки купленные на Озоне я бы ни в жизнь не купил, если бы предварительно не ознакомился с содержанием, скачав их из сети. Более того о существовании одной из них я вообще узнал только благодаря рутреккеру. Пламенный привет борцам с пиратами. И еще. Вот смотрю я Тёрнбулла, прекрасная полиграфия, множество цветных иллюстраций, 400 рублей с хвостиком в магазине. Рядом стоят книги равноценного объема, вообще без иллюстраций, напечатанные на туалетной бумаге, 500-700 рублей. Чото я, видимо, не понимаю в «невидимой руке рынка» (с)
Всадники войны. Кавалерия Европы. История европейской конницы от древних греков до 17 века включительно. Граждане специалисты утверждают, что ничего сопоставимого на русском языке не выходило со времен Денисона. Хотя и придираются по мелочам. www.ozon.ru/context/detail/id/2307227/
Русь. От нашествия до "ига" Хрусталева Прекрасная обзорная работа, написанная отменным языком. Я ее уже хвалил. Взял второе издание, оно несколько дороже, зато к нему прилагается генеалогическая схема Рюриковичей, что в данном случае крайне полезно. А заодно и Пястов с Арпадами. www.ozon.ru/context/detail/id/3974199/
Японские замки. 1540-1640 Тернбулла Оспреевская мурзилка с красивыми и познавательными картинками. Это всё «Сёгун» виноват www.ozon.ru/context/detail/id/2361624/
Ну и не удержался и купил еще одну книжку Тернбулла в местном магАзине:
Самураи. Вооружение, обучение, тактика Это всё «Сёгун» виноват Прекрасно изданная обзорная работа об армиях соответствующего периода. Самураи, асигару, ниндзя, монахи-воины. Прекрасная мелованная бумага, множество отличных иллюстраций. www.ozon.ru/context/detail/id/4271927/
Японские ученые сконструировали кошачьи ушки, которые читают человеческие мысли. Как ни удивительно это звучит, девайс уже активно тестируется потребителями. Разработчики выложили видео на YouTube. В ролике демонстрируются вполне обычные люди, которые примеряют на себя новинку и остаются под впечатлением от производимого ею эффекта. Внешне устройство под названием Necomimi напоминает забавный ободок с плюшевыми ушками. Такие штуковины порой надевают девушки, скажем, на вечеринки. Однако эти ушки не просто декоративное украшение, а буквально ведут себя, точно это подлинная «живая» часть тела. Они могут навостриться, как у реальной кошки, когда человек сосредотачивает свои мысли на чем-то. Происходит это потому, что в них встроен особый прибор — сенсор, регистрирующий волны мозговой активности человека по типу электроэнцефалографии. Собственно, в самом таком датчике нет ничего революционного, однако приспособить его для подобной цели — весьма оригинальное решение. Если пользователь расслаблен, то кошачьи ушки спокойно лежат, если человек чем-то внезапно увлекся, то они становятся торчком. В Японии, кстати, полагают, что девайс Necomimi после выхода в производство станет новым модным трендом, который будут носить в основном девушки. www.rbcdaily.ru/2011/05/10/cnews/56294998021553...
Sarah Michelle Gellar reveals how she'd feel if her daughter with Freddie Prinze Jr, Charlotte, decided to go into the family business, grimaces over the Buffy the Vampire Slayer remake in the works and, of course, talks a bit more about books.
SheKnows: What's your secret to pulling it together to put on a good show for the kids when you're sick?
Sarah Michelle Gellar: It's so easy. [Coughs] As I hack it up! Yeah, maybe it's breathier and faster if it would be if I had air in my lungs, but reading is my favorite thing.
SheKnows: Do you pull on your acting skills when you're reading to Charlotte?
Sarah Michelle Gellar: I love to make a book come alive and watch her digest it and get excited about certain parts. It's mind-blowing. It's how you watch their minds grow.
SheKnows: Will she have the patience to sit through today's reading, since your audience is a few years ahead of her?
Sarah Michelle Gellar: She'll sit for a story. She sits for long books. It always surprises me. She goes to preschool and the very first day of reading, they read as short a book with as few words as possible and the kids could barely sit still. Now that they're a bit older, that book comes out and those kids run up and sit down. Each one wants to be closer to the book than the next and each one wants to turn the page. You just watch the love of reading grow.
SheKnows: You mentioned in the video that Charlotte likes the makeup chair: Did she also inherit the acting bug from you and daddy Freddy Prinze Jr?
Sarah Michelle Gellar: God, I hope not [laughs]!
SheKnows: How would you feel if she said, "Mama, I want to go into the family business?"
Sarah Michelle Gellar: Luckily, she doesn't have that many words yet, to be able to say that. [Laughs] I will always encourage imaginative play. There's lots of ways to do that: local productions, school productions and so many different artistic ways. I will foster that and when she's an adult, she can make her own decisions.
SheKnows: What's the story on your thriller pilot, Ringer, which you were shooting in New York just last month?
Sarah Michelle Gellar: Your guess is as good as mine!
SheKnows: We can't let you go without asking how you feel about the big Buffy the Vampire Slayer movie remake. What's your take?
Крайнее сарино интервью. О книгах, Шарлотте и закрытии AMC
Sarah Michelle Gellar wants you to watch her on TV and in the movies, but she's just as passionate about getting kids to read. That's why earlier this week, the actress spent time reading to children at the Los Angeles Public Library's historic Central Library, as part of the Nestlé Share the Joy of Reading Program. Keep clicking as we chat with Sarah Michelle about her daughter Charlotte's favorite books and more. Plus, find out what this "All My Children" alum thinks of the show's demise.
On her favorite kinds of books:
"I love books so much, people expect me to be a book snob, and I'm not. I'll read anything. I love biographies. I love fiction. I love classics. I'll pretty much read anything, except I'm not a big romance novel person. I can do Jodi Picoult, I can go there. My next book on my list I want to finish is Audrey Niffenegger, Her Fearful Symmetry."
On her all-time favorite book:
"I do love Time Traveler's Wife, which I guess kind of is a romance novel, in a sense. I love Shadow on the Wind. I love Dr. Seuss's Oh, the Places You'll Go! And I gotta say, I love me some Valley of the Dolls."
On reading with her daughter, Charlotte:
"We spend a lot of time reading. We read in the morning when she wakes up. She'll usually bring me a book, and we have a thing where she's only allowed one book at a time. So she knows if she wants to change books, she has to take the book, put it away, and bring out the other one. So we usually read one or two in the morning, when she's getting up, and throughout the day she likes to pretend and read to herself, and then I read to her before her nap, and we always read at night."
"To me, that's my relaxation. I don't get the stimulation that I get from books from television, the same way my brain works, and so at night, I'll get into bed and I'll read off the bat. Living in New York again for so long, the subway was great for reading. I read in the car on the 405 [in L.A.] Traffic's so bad, I have plenty of time."
On her favorite book-to-movie adaptations:
"I think they did a wonderful job with the Harry Potter series. Having read the first three before the first movie came out, I thought there's no way it can be as great as my mind wants it to be. But I have to say, I think they've done a pretty spectacular job with it."
On the cancellation of "All My Children," which she starred on from 1993 to 1995:
"I'm very upset about that. First of all, they had the audacity to cancel it on my birthday. So let's have that discussion. I think it's criminal. I remember pretending to be sick when I was younger and staying home and like watching the ABC soap lineup in bed. And I realize it's tough economic times and it wasn't necessarily financially working, but there has to be a way to make it work. And these shows have been on for 40 years. I'm sorry, [but] I don't see either one of these shows they're replacing with it lasting more than a year. I really don't, and I say that with confidence. And I think, I don't think they tried hard enough to save the genre. And, it's just devastating to me."
On her favorite memories from working on "All My Children":
"My friends that I made: Kelly Ripa, Eva La Rue, Sidney Penny. I still speak to these women all the time. I made amazing friends, and it was one of the greatest training grounds I ever could have asked for."
On coming back for the finale:
"I'm waiting for the call. I would. I absolutely would. My phone is not ringing. I think it has to be more like a bartender or something because there is someone that plays my character now. She does an amazing job with it, and it is her character now, so I'd have to play someone else. I could be the UPS man!" ent.mobile.msn.com/en-us/wonderwall/galleries.a...
Забавно все-таки, наблюдать за тем как интеллигентные украинские нацисты пытаются отмазать своих менее интеллигентных единомышленников. Тут тебе и «исторический контекст», и «неверьтерусскойпропагандеонаопятьклевещетнаненьку», и «это провокация властей» вар. «темных сил», да-да, «спецгруппы нквд», как же, как же. Пусечки видимо думают, что никто не знает, что такое ВО «Свобода», кто управляет городом Львовом и про ютуб с видеороликами.