Девушка она, как выяснилось, весьма адекватная и с чувством юмора:
Hey everyone. :-). This is Indigo, better known to you all as "Rona". Now I realize most of you hated my character on the show, lol, but I figured I'd come on over from the "Weeds" message boards and say hello anyway....
...Yes it is I, "that annoying Rona girl". Lol....
Первым делом девушку, естественно, спросили почему, собственно, мы должны верить в то что она та за кого себя выдает (и она довольно убедительно объяснила почему):
Because I'd have to be insane to be posting on several message boards, as myself, for this long and not be who I say I am. Lol. I'm not a well known actress. Why would I pretend to be an actress that most people haven't even heard of? Lol. You can go to my mypace page and check me out if you want: www.myspace.com/indigo84.
Вторым вопросом, был, ну кто бы сомневался - правда ли что СМГ стерва:
The answer is no. She was real cool. She, and the rest of the cast, really welcomed us "Potentials" and made us feel like family. :-).
Об отношениях в коллективе:
I know this is going to sound like a load of crap but, I actually don't have any dirt on anybody. Lol. If there were any internal issues with any of the series regulars, we never saw it...
...Like I said before, if there was any tension we never witnessed any of it. So from my perspective I am being truthful when I say that I don't have any juicy stories. And while I'm not into gossip, and wouldn't share any of that kind of stuff anyway, it doesn't stem from any kind of loyalty to a particular show.
СМГ и любимая сцена:
My favorite scenes were all of the ones where we got to fight. We spent so much of the first group of episodes being lectured. Lol. Even SMG made a joke about it all. She said she felt like we were filming one continuous scene b/c she was giving us the same speech to us in every episode. Lol. I can't say that I had a "favorite person" to work with but SMG was pretty cool. She liked to joke around. The stunt actors were nice too.
...Sarah was absolutely impressive though. She would pick up the choreography so quickly and she always had a ton of stuff to do. She'd run stuff a few times and then be ready to shoot. I guess, after 7 years, it became easy for her.
...Sarah was cool; had a silly sense of humor. I remember this one time when her husband was out of town, she wanted to know if she should play a prank on him and hide his brand new motorcycle under a truck to make it seem like it was stolen. Lol. We told her that, although it would be funny, it might make him mad b/c he'd really be worried initially. I don't think she ever did it.
Элайза Душку и ее голос (девушку спросили правда ли у Элайзы такой крутой хриплый голос):
Eliza was cool too and yes, that is her real voice. Lol.
Джеймс Марстерс и Тони Хэд:
James was a sweetie pie. :-). As far as I could tell, he never showed up drunk to work. Off topic a bit but, he also looked very good for his age. A lot of us kind of developed crushes on him. Tony was quite smoldering too. That surprised all of us. Lol.
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