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Did SMG have a romance with DB?: Short answer, no, she did not. However, Fox and the network did like the idea and contributed to the gossipy rumours by having SMG and DB go out on a couple of well-orchestrated "dates" and attend some show-biz events together, of which pictures were freely circulated to the gossip rags, fueling rumours. Obviously, the network types felt that a rumoured off-screen romance would help publicize their on-screen romance.
What was SMG's relationship like with the cast and crew?: Apparently, SMG socialized with some of her cast mates when she was on the soap-opera she worked on before BtVS, and it caused more trouble than it was worth, so she made a conscious decision to remain professionally detached with the cast and crew of BtVS. Because she was one of the only members of the cast who wasn't entirely new to TV, it ended up creating some resentment among the other cast members -- all relatively new to TV -- who did "hang out" off screen. Also, after the first season was over, and the critics were focusing their attention on SMG as the "star" of the show, it created a lot of tension among her cast mate as they began shooting Season Two. And the worst of the group in terms of resentment and envy was....Allyson Hannigan. I didn't get much from him in terms of details, but got the sense that SMG was not real fond of loveable Willow.
What was Whedon like?: There was a LOT of tension between Whedon and SMG. Much of it because he really requires a LOT of love and praise from those around him, and apparently SMG was not forthcoming with the ass-kissing. That, and the fact she did not go to Whedon's house for cast and crew parties, caused stress on their relationship. Likewise, Whedon was rather envious of the attention SMG got for playing Buffy, and Whedon really felt like she was getting TOO much credit. My client also went to the set, once, and said that Whedon was not a very friendly guy. He tended to be dismissive of those around him, and very much wanted things HIS way. Likewise, he said he was amazed at the way everyone flitted about Whedon and catered to him. My client actually said it was sort of repulsive.
What was SMG like around the house?: He really only had very nice things to say about her. No bitterness or acrimony. He was really very fond of her, and was sorry he broke things off with her. He said she was pretty normal, particularly by Hollywood standards. He really admired the fact she wasn't always out of all the "right places" and attending all the "right parties", and she really was a home-body. He also thinks that is why her career hasn't been all it might have been. She just didn't "play the game".