I was very lucky to have the opportunity to meet Sarah. I was an asisstant makeup artist on a maybeline shoot.
The actual assistant fell ill so i was the replacement. To say i was overjoyed was an understatement!
She was lovely. Had a dry sense of humour and laughed alot. A few things were going wrong and she didnt act up at all.
Possibly had a few words with her own people here and there but it was fair enough. It was a long day and everyone was tired.
She was incredibly professional and i admired her so much.She looked great without make up and is tiny.
She looks thinner in some pictures now but it suited her. She seemed shy about her legs though. Does anyone know why? some stars cant wait to strip off but sarah almost seemed self concious.
Thats not a criticism as im the same i was just surprised someone that beautiful would be like that.